25 Uudenvuoden päätöslauselmaesityksestä 2022

Mitä haluat saavuttaa tänä vuonna? Mitkä ovat unelmasi, tavoitteet, toiveet? Useimmiten, kun ihmiset ajattelevat uudenvuoden päätöslauselmaa ideoita, ne yleensä nojaavat neljä tärkeintä elämää, jotka haluavat parantaa:





Tavoitteiden saavuttamisen yhteydessä on tärkeää kirjoittaa ne alas ja on selkeä näkemys siitä, mitä todella haluat. Sanomalla: “Haluan enemmän rahaa tänä vuonna”, tai “Haluan laihtua” on suuri, mutta on parasta olla erityisiä tavoitteistasi.

Kirjoita tarkalleen, kuinka paljon rahaa haluat ansaita, ja kuinka paljon painoa haluat todella menettää. Mitä tämä tuntuu? Mitä tekisit enemmän rahaa? Miksi haluat laihtua?

Tarkempia ja erityisiä olette uudenvuoden päätöslauselmista, sitä todennäköisemmin olet saavuttaa ne.

Tässä artikkelissa jaan 25 parasta uudenvuoden päätöslauselman ideoita ja työkaluja, joiden avulla voit ansaita enemmän rahaa, matkustaa enemmän (vähemmän), oppia uusia taitoja ja lisää yleistä terveyttäsi.

Huomaa: Tämä artikkeli on päivitetty 2022: lle ja siihen kuuluu lisää uudenvuoden resoluutioideoita, joiden avulla voit johtaa onnellisemman ja terveellisemmän elämäntavan. Tässä on loistava vuosi eteenpäin!

Uudenvuoden päätöslauselmat ideat: ansaitsevat enemmän rahaa
Uudenvuoden päätöslauselmat: Miten matkustaa enemmän
Uudenvuoden päätöslauselmat: Uusien asioiden oppiminen
Uudenvuoden päätöslauselmat: terveellistä elämää
Laita nämä yksinkertaiset uudenvuoden päätöslauselmaesitykset toimiin

Uudenvuoden päätöslauselmat ideat: ansaitsevat enemmän rahaa

Tämä on # 1 resoluutio useimmille ihmisille. Kuka ei halua ansaita enemmän rahaa? Lisää rahaa vastaa enemmän vapautta.

Haluatko tehdä enemmän rahaa, jotta voit mennä matkustaa, maksaa velkasi tai tehdä suuren oston, tämä luettelo auttaa sinua laittamaan ylimääräistä rahaa pankissa.


Haluatko istua pyjamasi ympärillä, ja kahvia kädessä ja tehdä rahaa? Maksetut online-kyselyt ovat luultavasti helpoin puoli tuntemus siellä. Et tule miljonääriksi, mutta sinun tarvitsee vain vastata kyselyihin tai katsella televisiota maksamaan.

Jokainen penniäkään laskee, kun kyse on säästää rahaa.

Siellä on paljon roskapostia sivustoja, mutta nämä ovat joitain oikeutettuja (muistiinpanoja, joissakin maksetuista online-tutkimuksista, sinun on oltava tietyssä paikassa, eli Yhdysvallat):

Swagbucks (ansaitse 10 dollaria vain rekisteröitymisestä)


Springboard America

Tutustu täyden luetteloon maksullisista online-tutkimuksista ja alkaa ansaita helppoa rahaa uudessa vuodessa.

Työtä etänä

Jos etätyö on yksi uudenvuoden resoluutioideoista, sinun kannattaa tarkistaa tämän sivuston.

Flexjobsissa on joitain freelance-työpaikkoja ja osa-aikatyötä, mutta tämä foorumi yhdistää sinut myös tunnettuihin yrityksiin, jotka haluavat palkata kauko-työntekijöitä kokopäiväisesti. Nämä ovat hyvin maksavat työpaikkoja!

Kuten kaikilla verkossa, siellä on lukuisia huijauksia. Flexjobs handpicks ja sifonit läpi kaikki roskat ja vain lähettää lailliset työpaikat.

Käytettävissä on yli 50 eri uranlyöntiä, markkinoinnista ja tilinhallinnasta lääketieteelliseen ja tekniikkaan, on pakko olla työpaikka, joka sopii taitoisiisi.

Klikkaa tästä saadaksesi lisätietoja FlexJobsista. Jos rekisteröidyt ennen 9. tammikuuta 2022, käytä Promo Code Newyearia vastaanottaa 50% pois jäsenyydestä. Tämän jälkeen käytä promo Code Nomad, kun rekisteröidyt ja saat 30% jäsenmaksusta.

Lisää ideoita, katsokaa tätä luetteloa 15 parasta etätyöpaikasta, jotta löydät unelmasi. Ja katsokaa parhaamme vinkkejä yhteistyöhön etänä.

Etsi jatkuva freelance-työ

Working as a freelancer is great, but with that comes insecurity about your salary — which is constantly fluctuating.

Crush the feast/famine cycle this year. rather than finding a few one-off jobs, wouldn’t you rather be fully booked? solid Gigs offers freelancers just that, solid gigs!

The team manually searches through over 100 job boards to find the top 1% of freelance work available. Then, they send you a list of the best straight to your inbox on Tuesdays.

Plus, you’ll receive access to 100 premium video and written lessons, and interviews with expert freelancers. Spreadsheets, templates and other tools are also available to help you succeed.

If you’re a designer, developer, writer, or marketer, you’ll find jobs suited to your skills on solid Gigs. sign up here and enter the code GOATS2 to receive your first month for just $2.

If solid Gigs doesn’t resonate with you, there are many more sites out there. have a look at these top freelance websites for beginners, or the popular Upwork website.

Read our insider’s review of Upwork and if you’rea freelancer, you’ll want to make sure you have your own freelance website to promote what you offer. 

Looking for more Freelance articles?

20 best Time management tools For Freelancers

How To Make money As A Freelance social media Manager

10 ways To Make money As A graphic Designer

How To Make money On Upwork: An Expert’s Review

10 High-Paying online Jobs

How To create a Freelance website (Step by step Guide)

Start a Blog

How could I not put this on the list? In my opinion, this is one of the best new Year’s resolution ideas out there.

We want to help you start a blog, share your knowledge with the world, and earn some money.

We write about travel and making money on the road. But, a blog can be about any topic: parenting, pets, crafts, food, fashion, tech…the list goes on. have a look at these top-earning blog topics and genres.

If you are knowledgeable and passionate about a particular subject, start a blog, and start making more money this year.  

One of my favourite offices – blogging in Lagos, Portugal at our apartment

Can’t think of a blog name? That’s fine, you can start your website and come up with the name later on. 

As a bonus, if you start your blog through this link, we’ll send you our Beginner’s blogging Course, blogging tips ebook and SEO checklist for free. Plus, you’ll be added to our VIP Facebook Group. 

Update 2022: once you’ve started your blog, the next thing to think about is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). You can have the best message in the world, and have the most useful information to share, but if that content doesn’t rank in Google, hardly anyone will see it.

We’ve put together the SEO Made simple multimedia course that includes video, PDF downloads, worksheets, and access to our private Facebook group. check out this one-hour SEO tutorial, which is actionable, and completely free.

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Teach A Language

These days, you don’t actually have to move abroad to teach foreign students. You can do so from the comfort of your home. Teach English online and make money from anywhere that has a solid wi-fi connection.

Unfortunately, the higher-paying online teaching jobs from China have been cancelled. However, there are still some terrific companies that you can teach with. have a look at PrePly, Cambly, Outschool, Teachable and Profy. 

For those of you from other countries who want to become online teachers, you’ll want to either check out this post, set up a profile with Skillshare, or have a look at Italki. 

Note: most of the high-paying teaching companies require you to have a TEFL certificate. MyTEFL is the cheapest 120-hour certificate. use promo code GOATS35 at checkout to receive 35% off. Or, have a look at our list of the top 7 best TEFL courses Online. 

Katso myös:

Teach English Online: top 10 companies That Pay 

10 companies That let You teach English online Without a Degree

10 things To know before becoming An online English Teacher

List Your home on Airbnb

Airbnb is a game-changer for travellers and homeowners. It has opened up opportunities for people to make some extra cash on the side, and to connect with people.

Whether you want to rent out a room in your home, list one of your investment properties, or rent out your house while you’re away on holiday, Airbnb is the best platform to do so. 

Depending on which part of the world you live in (and which city), you can make a lot of money on the side by renting out your home and becoming an Airbnb host. 

Click here to learn more about becoming an Airbnb host and add it to your list of new Year’s resolution ideas. 

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10 best Airbnbs in Paris

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The Airbnb Scam Travellers need To know About

Become an Uber Driver

This is one of the best ways to earn some cash on the side. If you work during the week, you can pick up shifts on the weekend. If you work during the day, you can drive in the evenings.

You are your own boss and choose your own schedule. and obviously, the more driving you do, the more money you will make. 

On average, in the United States, Uber drivers earn between $8 – $11 / hour after accounting for driving costs. If you live in new York, Uber drivers earn around $29 / hour!

The amount of money you’ll earn really depends on which city you live in, which hours of the day you are driving, how many passengers you pick up perhour, etc. 

Click here to learn more about becoming an Uber driver. 

Create Your own online Course

Online courses are popular right now. We ourselves have created two online courses, which include video tutorials and downloadables.

For those of you who want to easily set up a course and teach the world a particular skill, Teachable may be the platform for you. 

Basically, if you are knowledgeable about any topic (art, tech, culinary, design, etc.) you can create professional online courses and sell them to your students. Teachable makes it incredibly easy to create, edit, upload and sell. It’s the all-in-one course builder.

This is the platform we personally use for our courses and we recommend it. Click here to learn more and become a course teacher this year with Teachable. Or, have a look at our article which lists the 7 best platforms to sell online courses.  

See more ways to make money online in 2022 in our article here. 

Uudenvuoden päätöslauselmat: Miten matkustaa enemmän

While the world may not be as accessible as it once was, more and more borders are opening and welcoming travellers again.

As soon as the new year approaches, everyone starts searching for the cheapest countries to visit, or maybe the cheapest European countries to visit.

And for those of you from the northern hemisphere who want to escape the cold, you’re probably searching for the best places to travel in January. No matter when you travel, or where, these tools will help you see the world…for less. 

Katso myös:

How To travel The world When You have absolutely No Money

How To travel For a Year on $5,000 

House Sitting 

I can’t recommend house sitting and pet sitting enough.

In my opinion, there’s no better way to receive free accommodation around the world. If you like to travel and love animals, then this is one of the top new Year’s resolution ideas for you.

Most of the house sitting jobs are also pet sitting gigs, meaning you’ll be taking care of a cat, dog, bird, fish, etc. while living in someone’s home.

For homeowners, having someone take care of their home and pets is terrific as it means their fur baby won’t have to be in a kennel while they are away, and the house will be safe and well taken care of.

You’ll be able to live like a local, receive free accommodation, and have a furry friend. Typically, a vehicle will be available for your use, and in some cases, you will also receive a salary.

When looking for a house sitting job, you’ll probably notice that most of the available sits are in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and new Zealand.

Having said that, we’ve only ever pet sat in tropical destinations — Barbados, Grenada, and Costa Rica. Plus, we’ve turned down offers in Italy, Qatar, Thailand, Mexico, and Guatemala. house sitting jobs are available around the world.

Click here to see the available homes and learn more about the most popular house sitting website online. trusted Housesitters is the only site we’ve ever used and we highly recommend it. 

Katso myös:

Trusted house Sitters – how To join & get Your first Job

House sitting jobs – how To find Sits around The World

10 reasons Why house sitting is The ultimate Job

10 things To Do After You Land Your first Pet sitting Job

Travel Hacking

Another epic way to receive free travel this year (or discounted travel) is to learn about travel hacking.

Some people don’t like the word “hack” as they think it means to scam or cheat, but in reality, there’s nothing illegal

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