Last Updated: 10/10/20 | October 10th, 2020

I’m frightened of heights. It’s not so much being high up that scares me, it’s much more the worry of falling. Hike with me up a mountain as well as view me stay far away from any type of edge.

I when went hiking with a sweetheart as well as made her get away from the edge since it freaked me out as well much. She laughed at me however I was visibly scared. Driving along winding mountain roads likewise freaks me out. I can’t sit on the road side of the car. many of the time I will just close my eyes as well as try not to freak out!

I only got over my worry of roller coasters a few years ago. any type of indication of turbulence in an airplane as well as my white knuckles get the seat.

Essentially, I don’t like being high up.

(The truth that a person time my airplane dropped 20,000 feet in a matter of moments didn’t assist things, either!)

So it was with a bit worry as well as nervousness that I went to go see one of the tallest buildings in the world: Taipei 101.

Construction on the tower began in 1999 as well as was completed in 2004. From then up until the opening of the Burj Khalifa in 2010 it was the tallest building in the world, standing a whopping 509 meters. The building is developed to endure both earthquakes as well as typhoons, making the tower one of the most structurally noise buildings in the country – if not the world. In fact, an earthquake occurred during building which toppled cranes as well as killed 5 people, however the building itself was undamaged.

The building itself kind of appears like a large pagoda or a stalk of bamboo, stretching far above any type of other buildings in the city. On new Year’s Eve, an legendary fireworks show explodes from the building, which can be seen all across the city.

Even though I don’t like heights, Taipei 101 is really a sight to behold. I went to the building on my extremely last day living in Taiwan, as well as it was majestic. I’ve always seen the building as I moved with the city as well as I’ve been near it as there are a number of clubs in the surrounding district, however I’d never really gone to see inside it or even seen it in päivänvalo.

But there it was rising up from the city in a wave of green. It’s like a rocket ship.

Taipei 101 is one of the most outstanding contemporary structure I’ve ever seen (and I online in NYC, so I’m familiar with legendary buildings!). It rises up as well as towers over the surrounding area. 101 is a lovely building developed like a bamboo reed.

Construction began in 1997 as well as was completed in 2004. It’s the tallest building in the world (well, it was up until the one in Dubai was developed as well as now an even taller structure is going to beat that) and, well, I can’t state this enough, rather impressive. It’s a extremely high-end building, as well as its offices as well as apartments are for those with money.

There’s likewise the Taipei 101 mall, where you’ll discover stores like Dolce as well as Gabana, Prada, Armani, Gucci, as well as numerous high-end restaurants. On my last night, I did eat at the sushi restaurant here, as well as though it expense me a fortune, it was the very best meal I had in Taiwan.

Visitors can head as much as the 88th–91st floors as well as take a look outside at the surrounding city as well as mountains. Being the sadist I am, I purchased my ticket, waited in line, as well as headed up the elevator. The elevator trip is really truly fun. There’s a screen that shows exactly how quick you’re moving as well as where you are in the building. It takes about 30 seconds to go from bottom to top. I even felt my ears pop a bit since you are going so high up! I imply that is insane!

Getting as much as the 89th floor, I got to see Taipei as well as the surrounding area in all its glory. It took me about 10 minutes before I even got as much as the glass, however when I did, I saw exactly how lovely Taipei is from above. The city kind of reminded me of the game Sim City. all of the buildings, apartments, as well as industrial zones are laid out so completely that they practically seem synthetic from above.

After walking around as well as discovering about the history of the area, I headed as much as the 91st floor, where you can really go outside. There are significant bars making sure people don’t autumn or jump off, as well as the wind really produces a loud pitch when it moves with the bars. The view isn’t that excellent since the iron bars kind of block your view, however you can get a great view of the tower that makes 101 the tallest building in the world.

It likewise took me about 10 minutes to get to the edge as well as after a photo, I crawled best back to the center.

What I truly liked seeing was the building’s earthquake dampener. Down on the 88th floor, this huge metal sphere in the middle of the building is developed to assist take in any type of sway fromvoimakkaita tuulet tai maanjäristykset. Johtaminen niin paljon kuin pallo on tämä erittäin hieno lattia, joka on kosketusherkkä. Kun kävelet sen yli, pilvet katoavat näyttääkseen Taipein. Käsittelin saadakseni kunnossa videon, mutta matkaryhmät, jotka pitivät kävelyä minun vieressäni, pääsivät aina laukaukseen. Tarkista se:

(Kesti minulta jonkin aikaa, mutta lopulta tein menetelmäni kohti ikkunaa näkymää varten. Kyllä, huolenaiheeni on niin irrationaalinen, että pelkään mennä reunaan rakennuksen sisällä!)

Kaiken kaikkiaan Taipei 101 oli upea. On erinomaista nähdä. Se on kaunis. samoin kuin on todella erinomaista uskoa, että ihmiset tekivät sen. Kun mietit innovaatiota ja uutta uskoa, jonka piti mennä siihen, se saa leuan pudotuksen. Se on ylivoimaisesti yksi merkittävimmistä asioista, joita olen koskaan nähnyt, samoin kuin yöllä, kun se kaikki on valaistu, se on silti surrealistista.

Seuraavan kerran kun olet Taiwanissa, muista nähdä Tapaei 101. Sinulla on pahoillani, jos et!

Kuinka nähdä Taipei 101

Tornin osoite on nro 7, osa 5, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District. Observatorio on avoinna joka päivä klo 9–12, viimeisen lipunmyynnin kanssa klo 21.15. Liput ovat 600 NT $ aikuisille sekä 540 NT $ harjoittelijoille ja nuorille (mutta täysin ilmaiseksi alle 115cm: n lapsille).

Jos olet menossa sinne katsomaan auringonlaskua, muista päästä sinne varhain, koska se voi joissain tapauksissa saada kiireistä kesäkuukausina.

Voit saada paljon lisätietoja tornin virallisella verkkosivustolla.

Varaa matkasi Taiwaniin: logistiset ehdotukset ja temppuja
Varaa lentosi
Käytä Skyscanneria tai Momondoa löytääksesi edullisen lennon. Ne ovat kaksi ensisijaista selaa -moottoria, koska ne selaavat sivustoja sekä lentoyhtiöitä ympäri maailmaa, joten ymmärrät aina, ettei kiveä jätetä kääntämättä. Aloita Skyscannerilla aivan ensin, koska heillä on merkittävin ulottuvuus!

Varaa majoitus
Voit varata hostellin hostellimaailman kanssa, koska niillä on merkittävin osake ja hienoimmat tarjoukset. Jos haluat pysyä muualla kuin hostellissa, käytä -sivustoa, koska ne palauttavat jatkuvasti edullisimmat hinnat sekä majataloille ja edullisille hotelleille. Suositut oleskelun sijaintini ovat:

Formosa 101

Mutkita taipei

Älä muista matkavakuutusta
Matkavakuutusturva suojaa sinua sairauksien, loukkaantumisen, varkauden ja peruutusten suhteen. Se on laaja turvallisuus tilanteessa Kaikki menee pieleen. En koskaan mene matkalle ilman sitä, koska minun on joutunut hyödyntämään sitä useita kertoja aiemmin. Suositeltavan yritykseni, joka tarjoaa parasta palvelua ja arvoa, ovat:

Turvallisuussiipi (kaikille alle 70)

Vakuuta matkani (yli 70) niille

MedJet (ylimääräistä palauttamista varten)

Etsitkö parasta yritystä säästää rahaa?
Tutustu resurssisivulleni parasta yritystä, jota käytetään matkustaessasi. Listaan ​​kaikki käyttämäni säästääkseni rahaa tiellä. Ne säästävät rahaa myös matkustaessasi.

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