THE NOMADIC NETWORK: A community update & a lot more events

Posted: 7/20/20 | July 20th, 2020

Last year, we launched The Nomadic Network, a global travel initiative created to connect travelers with like-minded people in their area in buy to inspire, educate, and supply them with the tools they needed to travel cheaper, better, and longer.

We wanted it to be a global travel club with chapters around the world. Something you could do in your own city but also one the road. (Want to make some local friends? find a meetup where you’re going.)

This video of The Nomadic Network nyc chapter launch will give you a feel for what they were like:

Shout out to TNN nyc community member rich for the video!

By the time March rolled around, we’d hosted over 37 events in 22 cities: Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Dublin (Ireland), Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Indianapolis, London (UK), Los Angeles, Madison, new Orleans, new York City, Paris (France), Philadelphia, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, and Washington, DC. (Note: some of these chapters are still trying to find leaders, so if you’re interested, apply here.)

Over 1,150 people attended our live events. In each city, we heard many stories about how delighted members were to finally be able to exchange the travel stories they’d been dying to talk about with people who are just as ecstatic to hear them.

But, when COVID made the world come to a screeching halt in March, so did our events.

Since then, however, we’ve been building up our online presence and launched three new endeavors to get people ecstatic and involved:

First, we have been hosting virtual events. We’ve hosted discussions, speakers, Q&As, and travel game sessions so far. These events offer a chance for people to connect with like-minded travelers from anywhere in the world.

We’ve also hosted chapter-specific delighted hours for people to get to know others in their vicinity while social distancing.

By doing these events, we’re continuing our mission to connect travelers with people and resources that will have them traveling cheaper, better, and longer when the world opens up again.

If you’re interested in attending a virtual event, here are our talks:

Visiting Bhutan: What You need to know (Tuesday, 7/21)

Celebrate FLYTE’s five Year anniversary (Wednesday, 7/22)

Freelance travel writing in the Age of Coronavirus (Thursday, 7/23)

What’s Your Traveler Footprint? Unpack your Racialized Baggage (Tuesday, 7/28)

The Black travel Alliance: Why It Exists & how You Can get involved (Wednesday, 7/29)

How to step to France (Thursday, 8/6)

We have a lot more coming out constantly, so check out our full list of events here!

Second, we’ve started a community blog! It’s for those of you who want to share your story with other travel enthusiasts. here are some recent posts:

A reflection on Italy during Quarantine, by Cassandra Santoro

Less Is More: The freedom of Not having Much, by Catalina Muñoz

How to travel Sustainably and For very little Cash, by Kendal Karstens

How Carson Studied, Worked, and lived in Spain, by Carson Cree

How Nabila Traveled as a Full-Time college Student, by Nabila Ismail

We’re seeking to feature travel enthusiasts with all sorts of travel backgrounds who want to share their own special story.

If you’d like to submit a post, please send an email to with the subject “TNN guest blog post.”

Finally, we’ve relaunched our travel forums! For years, we had forums on the website, and now we’ve fully integrated them with our new community network so everything is under one roof. You’ll be able to ask questions, share your advice, and connect with other travelers!

Now that Lonely Planet’s Thorntree is shut down, the world needs a travel forum. Our goal is to make this the best one out there! So come over to our forums ask a question, share your knowledge, and meet some amazing people in the process!

We’re focused on growing The Nomadic Network online ideal now, creating a space where travelers can learn, meet people in their area, ask questions, or share knowledge.

Kaikkein paras? It’s entirely free! All you have to do is create a profile to use any part of the website.

I’m incredibly ecstatic to continue building this program up, even if COVID-19 has quashed our in-person events for the foreseeable future. There’s no real club out there just for travelers and I want to build one. I think it’s the next step for this community and, whenever it is safe, I’d like to work towards creating like a gigantic event where we can all meet somewhere and hang out! (But one step at a time!)

After all, one of the things COVID-19 has taught us (or at least it has for me) is that we shouldn’t take community for granted.

P.S. – We also have an amazing Instagram page where we highlight travelers, upcoming events, and TNN members. Tarkista se!

Book Your Trip: Logistical ideas and Tricks
Varaa lentosi
Find a low-coST -lento käyttämällä Skyscanneria. Se on suosikkini hakukoneeni, koska se etsii verkkosivustoja ja lentoyhtiöitä ympäri maailmaa, joten tiedät aina, ettei kivi jätetä kääntämättä.

Varaa majoitus
Voit varata hostellisi Hostelworldin kanssa. Jos haluat pysyä muualla kuin hostellissa, käytä -sivustoa, koska ne palauttavat jatkuvasti kalliita hintoja majataloihin ja hotelleihin.

Älä unohda matkavakuutusta
Matkavakuutus varmistaa sinut sairauksista, vammoista, varkauksista ja peruutuksista. Se on yksityiskohtainen suoja, jos kaikki menee pieleen. En koskaan mene matkalle ilman sitä, koska minun on joutunut käyttämään sitä monta kertaa aiemmin. Suosikkiyritykset, jotka tarjoavat parhaan palvelun ja arvon, ovat:

SafetyWing (paras kaikille)

Vakuuta matkani (yli 70) niille

MedJet (lisäevyntämistä varten)

Oletko valmis varaamaan matkasi?
Tutustu resurssisivulleni parhaat yritykset, joita käytetään matkustaessasi. Luettelen kaikki käyttämäni matkustaessani. Ne ovat luokan parhaita, etkä voi mennä pieleen käyttämällä niitä matkallasi.

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