21 Parasta tekemistä Detroitissa, Michiganissa

Olitko kiinnostunut autoista, taiteesta, musiikista, historiasta, urheilusta tai yöelämästä, Detroitissa on paljon uskomattomia asioita, jotka tyydyttävät kiinnostuksen kohteitasi.

Täällä voit viettää aamun vierailemalla maailmanluokan taidemuseossa, pyöräillä joen rannalla iltapäivällä ja rokottaa elävää musiikkia siemaillen Michiganin käsityöolutta yöllä.

Detroit on kaupunki, joka kulkee monilla eri nimillä. Saatat tietää sen moottorikaupungiksi, Detroit Rock Cityksi tai Motowniksi, mutta kutsun sitä kotiin. Olen syntynyt aivan Detroitin ulkopuolella ja vietin paremman osan elämästäni siellä, kunnes muutti yliopistoon vain tiellä.

Vaikka kotikaupunkini teki uutisia kaikista vääristä syistä useiden vuosikymmenien ajan, Detroit on kokenut suurta renessanssia viime vuosina.

Motownin ympärillä on sanonta, joka menee ”Detroit Hustles kovemmin”, ja se, että koskaan-sanoin-quit-asenne on tuonut uuden elämän takaisin kaupunkiin.

Olen innoissani voidessani jakaa kanssasi parhaimpia Detroitin nähtävyyksiä sekä joitain paikallisia vinkkejä, jotta saadaan tarkistus Motor Citylle unohtumattoman kokemuksen!

Jos olet valmis näkemään parhaan, mitä Motownilla on tarjota, lue joihinkin parhaimmista aktiviteetteista ja parhaista asioista Detroitissa.

1. Ota kävelykierros
2. Detroitin taiteen instituutti
3. Katkea ulos
4. Vietä aikaa kampuksella Martius
5. Katso Motown -museo
6. Ota jokijärkä
7. Tutustu Belle -saareen
8. Syö ja juo, Detroit -tyyli
9. Ota Coney Island Hot Dog Challenge
10. Ota ammattilaisurheilupeli
11. Katso Heidelberg -projekti
12. Aja ihmisten liikkuja
13. Tutustu itämarkkinoihin
14. Katso Greektown ja Mexicantown
15. Mene pyöräretkelle
16. Tutustu Renceniin
17. Risteily Detroitin prinsessalla
18. Katso Henry Ford -museo
19. Katso loistava järvi
20. Ota kiinni paikallisesta festivaalista
21. Näytte Michigan -oluista
Bonus: Liity ruokakierrokseen
Nyt tiedät mitä tehdä Detroitissa

1. Ota kävelykierros

Paras tapa tutustua moottorikaupunkiin (tai mihin tahansa kaupunkiin) on omalla kahdella jalkaa. Niin kauan kuin et vieraile talven kuolleessa, Detroit on täydellisesti kävelykelpoinen paikka.

Jos haluat oppia lisää Detroitista kävellessäsi (ja etsit ilmaisia ​​tekemistä Detroitissa), mene eteenpäin ja kirjaudu johonkin ilmaiseksi kävelykierrokseen, jossa on Detroit Experience Factory.

Mutta nämä retket kulkevat vasta lauantaina, joten jos et sattuu olemaan Motownissa viikonloppuna, voit tarkistaa tämän edullisen ja informatiivisen kävelykierroksen Detroitiin.

Matkan varrella havaitset joitain Detroitin kuuluisimmista maamerkeistä ja arkkitehtuurista, kuten Fisher Building- ja Fox -teatterista, historiallisesta Motown -museosta ja paljon muuta. Muista tuoda kamera tähän!

Kävelykierros on ehdottomasti yksi parhaimmista tekemistä Detroitissa!

2. Detroitin taiteen instituutti

Vaikka Detroit voi olla kuuluisa autoistaan ​​ja musiikistaan, täällä on myös upea taidetta. Taiden ystävät ovat todellista herkkua matkustettaessa D: lle kaupungin lukuisten museoiden, gallerioiden ja katutaiteen ansiosta.

Aloitaksesi taideseikkailusi kaupungissa, siirry Detroitin taiteen instituuttiin. Tässä maailmanluokan museossa asuu yksi Yhdysvaltojen suurimmista taidekokoelmista, ja siinä on yli 100 galleriaa. Se on ehdottomasti yksi Detroitin suosituimmista nähtävyyksistä ja pakollisista vierailusta.

Museon sisäpihalla on Diego Riveran kuuluisa Detroit Industry Frescoes. These 27 panels depict the automotive industry at Ford motor company and Rivera even considered them his most successful work.

Detroitin taiteen instituutissa on niin paljon nähtävää, että voit viettää siellä helposti koko päivän. The museum is open from 9AM-4PM Tuesday to Thursday, 9AM-10PM on Friday, and 10AM-5PM on the weekend.

Tickets are $14 for adults, $9 for seniors, $8 for college students, and $6 for youth ages 6-17. You can find the museum on the map here. 

3. rock Out

Without a doubt, one of the best things to do in Detroit is going out to see some live music. After all, this is Detroit rock City! No matter what night of the week it is, you’ve got plenty of options for rocking out in Detroit.

Shows here run the gamut from enormous international touring bands at the football stadium to tiny dive bars with local bands looking to make a name for themselves.

Whatever your musical tastes are, there’s something playing for you in Detroit. Rock, jazz, electronic, hip hop, classical – the list goes on and on.

Some of my personal favourite places to see a concert in Detroit include the Fillmore, the Majestic Theatre/Magic Stick, and the Masonic Temple. To find out what’s playing in Detroit, I recommend checking out the calendar of events from the Metro Times or Jambase. 

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4. Vietä aikaa kampuksella Martius

One of the best places to check out in Detroit is campus Martius. For those who aren’t Latin scholars, the name of this downtown Detroit park means “Field of Mars.” The original was the most populous area in Rome, and this one is a terrific place to kick it in Motown.

Before we get into the fun things to do in campus Martius, a little history lesson.

Back in 1805, the city was devastated by a substantial fire. Augustus Woodward, the first chief Justice of the Michigan Territory, set about rebuilding the city centered around this park.

After some major renovations in 2004, the park is now home to sculptures, gardens, a nice fountain, and a few places to grab a snack or a drink.

In the winter months, you’ll find an ice skating rink here, while the warmer months feature a fun little beach in the middle of the city.

If you happen to be visiting Detroit in the fall, you can attend the festive Christmas tree lighting here the Monday before Thanksgiving.

Whichever season you visit, be sure to add a stop in campus Martius to your list of things to do in Detroit. You can find the park on the map here.

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5. Katso Motown -museo

Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, the Supremes, Michael Jackson — these are just a few of the legends who recorded music right here in Detroit. As such, one of the top Detroit attractions is the Motown Museum, aka Hitsville, USA. 

Motown founder Berry Gordy purchased a photography studio in 1959 and transformed it into a recording studio. Over the following decade, countless hit songs were recorded here in studio A. In short, the Motown sound was born in this very building.

Motown Records moved its operations to Los Angeles in 1972, and many believe the heart of the label was lost in the process. In 1985, the Motown museum opened up to continue the legacy of this important piece of musical history.

The Motown museum is open from 10AM-6PM Tuesday-Sunday from may to October. during the fall and winter, it’s also closed on Sundays.

Tickets are first-come, first-serve, and typically sell out on the weekend. It costs $15 for adults and $10 for seniors and children ages 5-17. You can get directions to the museum and find it on the map here.

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6. Ota jokijärkä

These days, one of the top things to do in Detroit is taking a stroll along the RiverWalk. part of a greater transformation of the Detroit riverfront as a whole, this 3.5-mile trail is the perfect place to enjoy some fresh air and get some exercise in the motor City.

Along the trail, there are several parks, fishing piers, picnic areas, and even a carousel. While walking here is just fine, there are also plenty of places where you can rent a bike. Whether you walk or ride, it’s a scenic area to spend a few hours in.

Work on the RiverWalk is ongoing as it continues to expand. For now, it starts at Joe Louis Arena downtown and stretches to the Milliken state Park. Make sure you stop here for a terrific photo op with the lighthouse!

The RiverWalk is hands down one of the coolest places to check out in Detroit, so be sure to add it to your itinerary. You can get directions to the RiverWalk by checking the map here.

Wandering along the riverfront is one of the top things to do in Chicago as well. If you’re heading to the windy City, don’t miss it.

7. Tutustu Belle -saareen

I spent most of my life in the Detroit area, and my favourite place to go in the city is definitely Belle Isle.

This state park is actually an island in the Detroit River in between Michigan and Ontario, Canada. From one side of the park you can see downtown Detroit, and from the other, you can catch a glimpse of Windsor. pretty cool, eh?

Belle Isle has actually had quite an interesting history. once a playground for the well-to-do with a casino, zoo, and bandshell, the park fell into disrepair for many years. It became a state park in 2014 and it has been on the up and up ever since.

There’s plenty to see and do on Belle Isle to warrant spending an entire day there, especially during the warmer months.

You can check out the greenhouses at the conservatory, check out the aquarium, hit a bucket of golf balls, or just lounge on the beach. It’s definitely one of the most fun places to check out in Detroit.It’s free to check out Belle Isle, but you need a Michigan recreation Passport to drive onto the island. These cost $31 for non-Michigan residents and they get you access to all state parks for the entire year.

If you’re just visiting and don’t think it’s worth it to shell out the dough, you can just cycle or walk across the bridge to access the island for free. 

Belle Isle Park is open from 5AM-10PM every day. For directions, check the location on the map here. 

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8. Syö ja juo, Detroit -tyyli

I don’t know about you, but I always love to try local snacks and drinks when I travel. There are plenty of tasty made-in-Detroit options that you should definitely sample when visiting Motown.

If you’ve ever heard someone call soda “pop” and wonder why, that’s because of Faygo. This Detroit company coined the term long ago and still produces unique carbonated beverages such as rock & Rye and Redpop.

Another classic Detroit drink is Vernors ginger ale, which goes especially well in a Motown Mule cocktail.

Moving on to the snacks, we have to start with better Made potato chips. founded back in 1930, they still churn out delicious varieties of chips such as red hot BBQ and salt & vinegar. I know I’m a local and may be biased, but I really think these are the best chips around!

To satisfy your sweet tooth, you can pick up a box of chocolates or try some ice cream from Sanders. If you’d like to live out your own version of Charlie & the chocolate Factory, you can even take a guided tour of their factory.

You’ll need some wheels, though, as it’s about a 30-minute drive outside of downtown Detroit in Clinton Township. check the map for directions here.

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9. Ota Coney Island Hot Dog Challenge

We can’t talk about eating in Motown without mentioning the classic Detroit Coney Island hot dog. This culinary masterpiece is a beef frankfurter in a natural casing, topped with an all-meat chili, diced white onions, and yellow mustard.

Don’t you dare put ketchup on this hot dog!

If you’re wondering why the Detroit-style hot dog is named after a place in new York, well there’s really no definitive answer there. I can give you a little history lesson, though…

Back in 1917, a Greek immigrant named Gust Keros opened American Coney Island in downtown Detroit. His brother moved to town a few years later and eventually opened Lafayette Coney Island right next door.

Both are still in business to this very day, although ownership of Lafayette has since changed hands.

One of the top things to do in Detroit is taking the “Coney Challenge” where you try a hot dog from both establishments to see which one you like best.

I have my personal favourite, but you’ll just have to go try them both and decide for yourself! You can find American on the map here, and Lafayette is literally right next door.

10. Ota ammattilaisurheilupeli

If you’re looking for fun things to do in Detroit, catching a game is a terrific idea.

As you may have noticed by now, Detroit has a lot of nicknames. In addition to being called the motor City, Motown, and Detroit rock City, it’s also commonly known as Hockeytown.

That’s because the city is home to the Red Wings, who have won more Stanley cups (11) than any other American team. 

The Wings recently moved into a new home downtown at little Caesars Arena, which is now one of the top Detroit attractions.

The regular season runs from October to April with home games every few days. They share the arena with the NBA’s Detroit Pistons, so there�

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