2014 – It started as well as ended With Mexico

It seems strange to be composing a wrap-up publish of 2014, as it definitely doesn’t feel like it’s December, let alone the end of the year. Nick as well as I are sitting right here in sunny bit San Pancho on the west coastline of Mexico, as well as we couldn’t feel additionally away from the normal Christmas traditions of Canada. Sure, Mexicans are extremely religious as well as they like Christmas time, however without the snow, the busy shopping centers or the holiday carols, it just feels like one more day in paradise…with the occasional poinsettia plant as well as santa statue on display.

2014 was a fantastic year for us, as well as although we didn’t travel to as lots of countries as we did in our past years, we still did some legendary things as well as made some enduring memories.

Here’s a listing of where in the world we were for monthly of this year, together with what we got up to…

January – March (Canada/Mexico)

For two weeks, we were still in Canada celebrating the holidays with buddies as well as family. however come mid-January, we were off to Mexico! This was our very first time strapping on our backpacks as well as heading south from Canada – besides a couple of all-inclusive holidays when we were younger, all of Latin America was still left uncoloured on our travel map.

We started off in Cancun where we satisfied up with an old travel friend of ours, Bernie. together we explored as well as took pleasure in our time together for about a week before parting ways. We were off to travel around. We checked out Holbox Island, Valladolid, Rio Lagartos, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Merida, Dzibilchaltun, Progresso, Izamal, Palenque, San Cristobal as well as finally, Chetumal.

Meksiko! We did some fantastic things during our 2 months there
After checking out many old colonial towns, checking out ancient ruins, sipping on magnificent regional coffee, satisfying extraordinary people as well as eating method as well lots of tasty dishes to count, it was time to leave Mexico. We boarded a boat that would take us from Chetumal to Belize!

March (Belize)

The second half of March was spent lazing on pristine beaches on the northern islands in Belize. We spent our time on Caye Caulker as well as Ambergris Caye as well as liked them. We were invited to stay at Victoria House, which was a lovely, quaint resort on a peaceful beach. Although we liked that luxury, we truly liked chilling out on Caye Caulker a lot more so than Ambergris Caye! We stayed in a couple of adorable bit bungalows, went on a boat trip to see manatees, saw some extraordinary sunsets as well as took pleasure in the regional restaurants.

The chilled out island of Caye Caulker
After two weeks of kicking back on the Cayes, it was time to step on…

April – June (Grenada)

Grenada was whatever we really hoped it would be as well as more. We accepted our very first pet-sitting task right here as well as discovered ourselves in a tropical paradise taking care of the sweetest pet dog ever. We stayed in a bit cottage ideal by the ocean as well as took pleasure in the peace & peaceful of the residential or commercial property we were living on. Days were spent checking out the island’s many beaches, waterfalls as well as hikes.

Spare pet dog as well as us in Grenada

We then had 7 weeks when the owners were house as well as our services were no longer required. We still stayed in Grenada for part of the time, however for practically 3 weeks, we headed off on an island hopping journey!

June – July (St. Vincent & The Grenadines)

The Osprey Ferry was our mode of transportation to take us from Grenada to the next island north, Carriacou. We were greeted by a stunning beach, fascinating streets as well as friendly people. After 2 nights there, we were off on a cargo boat to our next island, Union (which is part of the island nation of St. Vincent & The Grenadines).

This rugged, unpretentious island was fabulous. We explored different beaches as well as lookout points as well as satisfied some truly great regional people. Our stay at King’s landing hotel was incredible as well as we liked the personnel members there. But, one of the most fascinating things we did during our stay was to go to an island bar found just 100m off shore, constructed out of conch shells! Needless to say, the rum punch was streaming as well as it was a extremely delighted Island indeed.

We liked Union Island! fantastic beaches as well as great people

From Union, we made our method additionally north to palm Island for a day trip, Mayreau as well as the extraordinary Tobago Cays! Our day of sailing to all three of these islandsoli unohtumaton. Emme ole koskaan nähneet vettä niin poista niin kuin hiekkaa niin valkoinen! Purjehdimme Yannis -katamaraanilla ja nautimme koko päivän syömisestä, juomisesta, uinnista, snorklausta ja rentoutumisesta. Se oli todellinen kohokohta kaikista matkaseikkailuistamme.

Yksinäinen riippumatossa Palm Islandilla sekä Yhdysvaltojen kelluvat Tobago Caysissa

Viimeinen määränpäämme 3 viikon saaren hyppäämismatkalla oli Bequia, toiseksi suurin grenadiiniketjussa. Täällä juhlimme 30. syntymäpäivääni tyylikkäästi! Vaeltelimme ihanan merenrantapolun Admiralty Bayssä, uskalsimme prinsessa Margaret Bayn luo ja kävelimme Port Elizabethin ympärillä. Varsinainen 30. vietti rannalla illallisen kanssa viehättävässä myymälässä Sugar Reef -hotellissa. Kokki valmisti minulle maukkaan aterian ja henkilöstön kaikki lauloivat heidän versionsa iloisesta syntymäpäivästä!

Paras syntymäpäivä Bequia Islandilla

Kolmen viikon kuluttua oli aika palata Spice -saarelle.

Heinäkuu – marraskuu (Grenada)

Olimme todella ilo lemmikkieläinten istumisen toisella puoliskollamme, jopa paljon enemmän kuin ensimmäinen puoliaika. Tunsimme, että ymmärsimme saaren paremmin, saimme mukaan hajauttamiseen, tyytyväisiä uskomattomiin kavereihin ja löysimme todella fantastisia online -musiikkipaikkoja … Lisäksi pidimme sadekaudesta! Mikä oli niin rikas ja vihreä, paljon paljon viehättävämpi kuin kuiva kausi. Isäni ja hänen puolisonsa liittyivät samoin menemään meille pariksi viikoksi kuin meillä oli sellainen hillopakattu vierailu. Menimme purjehtimaan ja snorklausta, nautimme rapukilpailusta, ajoimme saaren ympäri, menimme retkeilyyn sekä uimaan sekä söimme hienoja hienoja ruokia.

Upeat ystävämme, Rolando, Amanda ja Darryl
Grenadassa on niin paljon nähtävää ja esiintymistä, samoin kuin sen jälkeen, kun asuttiin siellä käytännössä 7 kuukautta, emme silti nähneet kaikkea. Tällä saarella on aina erityinen sijainti sydämessämme ja haluaisimme palata yhtenä päivänä.

Marraskuu – joulukuu (Meksiko)

Takaisin Meksikossa! Matkamme Grenadasta Puerto Vallartaan, Meksiko oli pitkä ja jäätyvä kylmä. Lentokentät ja lentokoneet olivat muutamia kylmimmistä, joita olemme koskaan kokeneet-joko se tai meitä vain käytettiin niin, että Grenadassa ei ollut ilmastointia, että se tuntui chillieriltä kuin se todella oli.

Tutkimme Puerto Vallartaa muutaman päivän ajan ja todella todella nauttinut keskustasta ja vanhankaupungin alueista. Sieltä teimme menetelmän San Panchon bit -kaupunkiin, missä olemme tällä hetkellä.

Ihana Puerto Vallarta

Tässä surffauskaupungissa oleskelemme tammikuun alkuun saakka, samoin kuin kotitalouksien jäsenten perustana sekä vierailla tänä vuonna. Nickin äiti tuli ja juhlii 30. syntymäpäiväänsä kanssamme viikon ajan, sitten äitini ilmestyi ja sai oman sijaintinsa 1,5 kuukauden ajan, Nickin isäpuoli näkyy tällä viikolla, samoin kuin sen jälkeen, me We We We We We Me Ole tyytyväinen sekä Nickin isän ja hänen veljensä/veljensä perheen kanssa. Huh huh!

Vaikka San Pancho ei ollut juuri sitä, mitä me sen kuvittelimme olevan, meillä on vielä fantastisia aikoja täällä.

The beautiful, peaceful beach right here in San Pancho
Where to next?

This year started as well as ended in Mexico, as well as our journey right here will continue into the new year as well. We have “plans” to venture to the southern reaches of this country before crossing into Guatemala. however who understands what we’ll really get up to. whatever is up in the air as well as after such a fantastic 2014, I’m sure 2015 will be just as amazing!

Happy holidays as well as delighted new Year everyone, all the very best to you as well as your households ?

What did you get as much as in 2014?! show us below.

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