7 Paras New Orleansin cocktaileja (+ missä juoda heitä)

, kun se liittyy parhaimmille cocktaileille, on vaikea huippuluokkaa uusia orleansia. Loppujen lopuksi suuren helpon motto on “Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler” – anna hyvien aikojen rullaa. ”

Näitä hyviä aikoja polttaa pääasiassa booze, ansiosta poikkeukselliset New Orleansin cocktaileja runsaasti.

Olen usein valittanut kotimaastaan ​​kotimaastani juoma-lakeista, mutta onneksi ne Puritan-käytännöt menevät ulos ikkunasta suurella.

Täällä voit juoda julkisesti, baarit voivat pysyä avoinnaksi 24/7, ja siellä on jopa ajaa-paikkoja pakastetuille Daiquirisille.

Puhuminen juhlimisesta, äskettäin äskettäin tarkastettu kaupunki vuoden aikana vuoden aikana on niin paljon uusia Orleans Festivaaleja ja tapahtumia!

Varmista, että tein joitain laadukkaita tutkimuksia ostaa sinulle joitain parhaita cocktaileja New Orleansissa.

Tässä artikkelissa aion olla gamut tyylikkäästä loistavasta, joka voidaan tavallisesti saavuttaa puoliksi kaupungin lohkosta täällä.

Uusissa Orleansissa on niin paljon hauskoja asioita (älä unohda suon matkareita), ja jos haluat aikuisen juoman, kun matkustat, aiot rakastaa tarkistamaan suuria.

Lue lisää parhaista New Orleans Cocktaileista ja suosituksista parhaista baareista saadakseen ne.

1. Sazerac: New Orleansin virallinen cocktail
2. Hurrikaani: Yksi parhaista New Orleans Cocktaileista Rum Loversille
3. Brandy Maito Punch: Paras brunssi juoda
4. Ramos Gin Fizz: Cocktail Gin Loversille
5. Vieux Carré: Niille, jotka haluavat vahvan juoman
6. PIMM’s Cup: perus- ja virkistävä cocktail
7. Käsirikara: vaarallisen vahva cocktail
Valmis joihinkin New Orleans-cocktaileihin?

Mietitkö, mistä pysyä New Orleansissa? Älä missaa eeppinen opas Parhaat Bourbon Street -hotellit ja tiedot Ranskan Quarterin oleskelusta.

1. Sazerac: New Orleansin virallinen cocktail




Ruis viski



Tietenkin meidän on potkaista luettelo parhaista uusista Orleans-juomista alkuperäisen kanssa.

Jotkut todella väittävät tämän olevan vanhin cocktail Yhdysvalloissa, koska se pätee koko takaisin 1830-luvulle. Kuten paljon asioita New Orleansissa, tämän klassisen juoman takana on mielenkiintoinen backsory.

Koska tarina menee, kreole mies nimeltä Antoine Peychaud tuli resepti. Hän oli apteekkin omistaja ja suuri fani Ranskan Brandy nimeltään Sazerac-de-Forge et Fils.

Tuntien jälkeen hän palvelisi konjakkien seoksen omien kotitekoisten pentujensa kanssa. Hän palveli juomia munan kuppiin, joka tunnetaan nimellä “coquetti”. Jotkut uskovat olevan sana “cocktail”, mutta ilmeisesti se on pitkä tarina.

Vaikka historioitsijat voivat kiistää, onko tämä itse asiassa Amerikan ensimmäinen cocktail, yksi asia on varma – Sazerac oli välitön osuma.

Saloon nimesi Sazerac Coffee House alkoi saada Peychaudin katkerat ja sekoittaa ne konjakkiin ja sokerin kanssa. Uusi cocktail oli kaupungin keskustelu ja oli äärimmäisen suosittu.

Muutama vuosikymmeniä myöhemmin tärkein ainesosa muuttui konjakista American Rye Whiskey.

Tämä johtui epidemian Euroopassa, joka tuhosi runsaasti viinitarhoja Ranskassa. Ilman viinirypäleitä, ihmiset kääntyivät vilja alkoholia kuin viski. Toinen muutos reseptiin tuli pian sen jälkeen, kun baarimikot lisäsivät absinteen viivan.

Asiat menivät hyväksi Sazeracille, kunnes Absintti oli kielletty vuonna 1912, koska sen uskottiin aiheuttavan hallusinaatioita.

Baarimaiset korvattiin kielletty mökki aniksen maustetuilla likööreillä. Yleisin oli Herbsalaintti, joka on ihanteellinen New Orleansissa. Se on edelleen tottunut tähän päivään, Peychaudin katkeran ja Sazeran Kentucky Rye Whiskyin rinnalla. add in a sugar cube and a lemon wedge as a garnish and you’ve got an official Sazerac!

The Sazerac is so crucial that a Louisiana state senator even tried to have it declared the state’s official cocktail. Vaikka tätä ei hyväksytty, hänen ponnistelunsa eivät olleet turhaan. Se on nyt New Orleansin kaupungin virallinen cocktail.

Voit ostaa Sazerin koko New Orleansin, mutta paras paikka on ehdottomasti Sazerac-baari. After all, it’s ideal there in the name.

This bar is located in the Roosevelt hotel (click here for directions). other popular spots to try this classic new Orleans drink include Sylvain Tavern and Arnaud’s French 75.

If you’re interested in experiencing these bars with a fun and experienced local, check out this walking and drinking tour. four cocktails are included in four different bars, plus an informative guide.  

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2. Hurricane: one of the best new Orleans cocktails for Rum Lovers



Passion hedelmä mehu



Simple Syrup



What is the most popular cocktail in new Orleans? These days, one of the quintessential new Orleans cocktails is a Hurricane.

It’s probably the most popular cocktail in the city for visitors, who take pleasure in slurping one of these potent concoctions as they stumble along Bourbon Street.

The Hurricane drink dates back to the 1940s and the post-prohibition era. local tavern owner Pat O’Brien developed the drink when he needed to get rid of a bunch of rum. You may be wondering why he had an excess supply of rum. Of course, there’s a story behind that as well!

You see, rum was one of the least popular liquors at the time. O’Brien’s distributors forced cases of rum on him before they would sell him a lot more popular liquors like scotch. He made a decision to whip up a concoction of rum with passion fruit and lemon juice.

The drinks were served in hurricane lamp-shaped glasses, and thus the Hurricane was born.

The recipe is still generally the same after all these years, and Hurricanes now include a garnish of an orange slice and a cherry or two.

Pat O’Brien’s bar is still a mainstay in the city and is the top place to try the popular Hurricane drink (click here for directions). In addition to their signature Hurricanes, you can also take pleasure in dueling piano music as you sit by their flaming fountain.

Since you’re in new Orleans, you might as well take advantage of the fact that you can drink in public and buy daiquiris from a drive-thru.

Go ahead and get hold of a Hurricane to-go for a wander up Bourbon Street. You can also try one of the frozen varieties from a drive-thru. Roomassa!

3. Brandy Milk Punch: best Brunch Drink






Our excursion of new Orleans cocktails moves on – or must I say “stumbles on”? – to Brandy Milk Punch. The big easy didn’t invent this classic cocktail, but the city absolutely perfected it. once again, there’s a lot of history behind the drink.

The story of Brandy Milk Punch in new Orleans goes back to the late 1940s. At the time, dinner at Antoine’s was a popular murder mystery. The name came from a local restaurant, which was the setting of the story.

The owners of Antoine’s and several other restaurants and bars would often gather to play poker.

Owen Brennan owned a bar on Bourbon street at the time, and the other people made a bet with him that he couldn’t open a restaurant. A friend remarked to him “If there’s dinner at Antoine’s, why can’t there be breakfast at Brennan’s?” 

We have this interaction to thank for the beloved modern-day tradition of brunch. The idea of a late and extravagant breakfast complete with cocktails started at Brennan’s in new Orleans.

With a need for eye-opening cocktails, Brennan went with Brandy Milk Punch. As you may have guessed by now, the crucial ingredients are in fact brandy and milk!

Add powdered sugar (or basic syrup) and a dash of nutmeg on top, and you’ve got one of the best cocktails in new Orleans.

Tourists outside of Brennan’s

Not surprisingly, Brennan’s remains the top place to try Brandy Milk Punch (click here for directions).

You might as well go ahead and do the whole brunch thing there during your weekend in new Orleans, as lots of say that if you haven’t had brunch at Brennan’s, you haven’t really been to the city.

For a different spin on this drink, head to Bourbon house to try their frozen Bourbon Milk Punch.

RELATED POST: want to get your “brunch on” in other cities in the US? here are some of the best places to eat in Chicago, including breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner. 

4. Ramos Gin Fizz: A cocktail for Gin Lovers




Limetti mehu

Flower Water




The Ramos Gin Fizz is one of the most well-known new Orleans drinks. Its name comes from Henry C. Ramos, bar owner and innovator of the drink. He came up with the cocktail back in 1888, and it has been a staple of NoLa ever since.

Ramos developed the drink at his bar called the Imperial cabinet Saloon by mixing gin, heavy cream, powdered sugar, lemon & lime juices, an egg white, and orange flower water.

His recipe called for 12 minutes of vigorous shaking, which is quite a lot of work to make a single cocktail!

When he sold the bar and moved to a new place he called The Stag, he actually hired a whole team of shakers to help whip up his signature drink.

He generally set up an assembly line where each person would shake it for a minute and then pass it on. After sufficient shaking, they added a bit of soda water on top to give the drink its fizz. 

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He originally called the drink a new Orleans Fizz. Years later, the Roosevelt hotel gotten the rights to the drink from Ramos’ kid after Prohibition ended.

To honor the inventor, they named the drink after him. It was also at the Roosevelt hotel that former Louisiana governor Huey long fell in love with the drink.

Apparently, long loved the Ramos Gin Fizz so much that be brought a bartender with him on a trip to new York just so he could show people there how to make it.

This guaranteed that long never had to be without his favorite cocktail on his frequent trips to Manhattan. What a legend!

The Roosevelt hotel remains the best place to try one, so you might as well buy one up after you try their Sazerac to make for an epic excursion of new Orleans cocktails. another good spot to try one is the Carousel Bar (click here for directions), where you can try several other popular new Orleans drinks.

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5. Vieux Carré: Niille, jotka haluavat vahvan juoman







Just as is the case with new Orleans food, there’s an evident French influence with the city’s cocktails. just take the classic Vieux Carré, which is French for “Old Square” and a nod to the French Quarter.

Much like the city itself, the Vieux Carré is both potent and smooth at the same time. This signature new Orleans drink dates back to the 1930s and the Carousel Bar in hotel Monteleone.

The bar is still there and it’s absolutely the best place to try one of the top cocktails in new Orleans. It’s actually centered around a vintage carousel that you spin around as you drink. kuinka siistiä?!

It’s a melting pot of a drink, with French cognac, Italian vermouth, American whiskey, and Caribbean bitters. Drinking a Vieux Carré is kind of like drinking the history of new Orleans! It typically comes in an Old Fashioned glass along with a cherry or lemon wedge as a garnish.

6. PIMM’s Cup: perus- ja virkistävä cocktail





Cucumber Garnish

As a city that gets very hot and enjoys day drinking, new Orleans needs a light, refreshing cocktail. Cue the Pimm’s Cup, which pertained to the big easy by means of London a century after its creation.

We have London barkeep James Pimm to thank for this delightful concoction with a recipe that remains secret to this day. Over the years, he actually came up with six different variations of the drink.

Pimm’s No. 1 cup is the one that made its way across the pond when the owner of the Napoleon house gave it a new Orleans twist.

He took the popular tonic and added lemonade, 7-Up, and a cucumber garnish. This is absolutely one of the most refreshing cocktails in new Orleans!

The Napoleon house is still the best place to try a Pimm’s cup in the big easy (click here for directions).

Isn’t it awesome that the places where a lot of of these popular new Orleans drinks originated are still going strong? another great spot to take pleasure in a Pimm’s is Bar Tonique, where they’re just $5 on Mondays. I’ll drink to that!

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